
Welcome to your new phone system

Feb 23, 2015 | Tech Tips

Welcome and congratulations on the purchase of an Allworx phone system. We have designed this page to help you become acquainted with the phone system’s features and phone capabilities, so that the transition from the old to the new is as smooth as possible. The links below will introduce you to the phones, their buttons and functions, and how to use them in an easy manner. This quick overview will take about 20 minutes and will give you the basics, so that you can start using your new phone(s) right away. For additional information feel free to refer to the “Phone Manual”, and the “Phone Function Reference Card” which are usually left by the phone. As always we are available to answer any questions or concerns at 718-275-1600. -Overview of the phone and some of its features -Link to call basics, making and receiving calls, explanation of lights, phone book etc. -How to – set up voicemail, conference calling, transferring, etc.
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