
eClinicalWorks: Next Gen Healthcare IT Solution

Health Information Technology (HIT) systems have received increased attention in recent years. Thankfully, most of it is for a good reason. Patient data plays a central role in ensuring the delivery of safe, reliable, and quality medical care. However, managing all the data in a medical practice can be overwhelming and, when not done right, will impact the quality of healthcare offered. Many healthcare providers are keen to adopt electronic health record (EHR) solutions like eClinicalWorks (eCW) to help with patient data management and organization.

EHR solutions help consolidate a patient’s clinical information into a single interface, making it easy for providers to access patient information quickly and collaborate. This, in turn, improves productivity and efficiency in medical practices. The adoption of EHR solutions also ensures compliance with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and other regulations that improve healthcare information confidentiality and security.

eClinicalWorks is one of the top EHR vendors claiming 10.3% of the physician practice market share. Despite its popularity, many clinicians still need help to make the system work efficiently and effectively for their practice. Your case can, however, be different if you seek eCW support and assistance to streamline your practice’s workflows and processes.

What is eClinicalWorks?

eClinicalWorks is an EHR system that simplifies and organizes workflows in the healthcare setting. Behind its design is a leader in developing medical software solutions, eClinicalWorks, LLC. eCW offers more than allowing your practice to go paperless. It can help you save money, improve efficiency and enhance the security of patient information. In addition to EHR features, eCW provides practice management and personal health record software and services to healthcare providers.

It can help you review patient health records and the important details behind them, like the history of visits, allergies, labs and diagnostic test results, current medications, and patient accounts. Other features of eCW include healow Telehealth Solutions, eClinicalWorks V11, population health management, revenue cycle management, and patient engagement. All these features enable providers to provide patients with high-quality services and a pleasant experience during every visit.

cdc vaccine being given in healthcare setting

Importance of eClinicalWorks Support and Management Services

EHR software can only be valuable if you and your staff know how to use it optimally. Otherwise, you risk not getting absolute value or getting in the way of your practice’s efficiency and ability to deliver high-quality care. When you are having trouble navigating a program, you are bound to feel frustrated or even overlook some vital helpful features. Computero helps practitioners with eClinicalWorks deployment and management for the best performance and experience. Some of the benefits of eCW support services include the following:

  • The ability to recognize eCW’s full potential. This is achieved through consultant assessments of your existing eClinicalWorks EHRs, workflows, and processes to identify areas you can refine to ensure absolute value. Today’s IT solutions require specialized and unique skill sets which your practice may not have. Our support services help you fill roles your in-house staff cannot while allowing you to focus on your core business.
  • eCW support also means you spend less time fumbling with the system and more time attending to patients. All the backend work is taken care of so that you can access records faster, there are shorter load times, and there is the convenience of accessing all the information you need from a single interface.
  • Support services can reduce IT management costs in your practice. They eliminate unnecessary IT spending by leveraging scalable eCW solutions. It also reduces costs you would otherwise spend on hiring and training IT staff to manage the software.
  • Patient data is very sensitive, and you risk facing legal penalties if you do not handle it correctly. Our support services will help you comply with all legal requirements like HIPAA and SOC2 and educate your staff on the same.
  • eCW support services also ensure you can get help whenever needed to boost the software’s performance, simplify workflows and limit disruptions. Round-the-clock support gives you confidence that the system is consistent and reliable.

eClinicalWorks Support Services

Data Backups and Security

Get end-to-end security for your eCW records and continuous monitoring, backups, and disaster recovery plans. Therefore, even as you run your practice, you are guaranteed that your patients’ information is safe and properly stored.

Critical Updates

Refrain from working with outdated or sluggish systems that impact your service delivery. Managed EHR services ensure better security and faster operations by keeping your software and devices up to date to maximize stability and performance.

Hardware and Software Monitoring

This involves monitoring your hardware and software components to know their status and anticipate any possible failure. Hardware and software monitoring helps your practice make IT plans and act before failure or problems arise. 

Risk Prevention and Management

Specialized IT service providers are equipped with the necessary skills to assess and prevent any risks within your software. If something goes wrong within your system, managed tech services are able o quickly identify it and provide a quick solution. In addition to preventing risks, they also help implement proper security measures to prevent cyber-attacks. 

HIPAA Compliance

Managed eCW services can help your practice stay updated with relevant technological safety regulations. Any organization entrusted with patient medical records needs to have full HIPAA compliance.

How Technical Support for eClinicalWorks Affects Implementation and Success

Whether you are shifting from a different EHR system or you want to make the most of the current eCW system, it is important that you are armed with the right skill sets and experience. Computero’s team of experts understands how taxing it can be to keep up with the demands of your EHR investment. Therefore, we manage your eClinicalWorks system while offering expert advice and up-to-date industry trends that will ensure you realize the full benefits the system has to offer. This is achieved through help with the planning, implementation, integration, and transitioning of the eCWs system.

Forget the struggle with making your eClinicalWorks software deliver the value you seek by booking a consultation with our expert IT technicians at Computero today.